Excellence Scholarship Information Regarding The University of Malaya Malaysia


The University of Malaya Malaysia Fully-Funded Scholarship is a scholarship program that covers all tuition fees, living expenses and other stipends awarded to students who successfully meet the stipulated requirements.  University Malaya Malaysia (UM) is one of the leading universities in Malaysia and offers a wide range of study programs in various disciplines.

The University of Malaya Malaysia Fully-Funded Scholarship is aimed at students who excel and have high academic potential.  These scholarships allow scholarship recipients to focus on their studies without having to worry about tuition and living expenses.

Requirements and application procedures for Fully Funded University Malaya Malaysia scholarships may differ each year and depend on the course chosen.  Up-to-date information on these scholarships can be found via the University of Malaya website or through the university's international admissions office.

In general, the selection process for these scholarships involves assessing application files, including academic records, letters of recommendation, motivational essays, and other achievements.  Scholarship recipients may also be required to take an additional selection test or interview.

If you are interested in getting more information about the University Malaya Malaysia Fully-Funded Scholarships, it is advisable to visit the official website of the University of Malaya and browse through the scholarships section or contact the university's international admissions office for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Brief Description Regarding The Universiti Malaya Postgraduate Scholarships

Following is the detail about the postgraduate (PhD) scholarships available at the University Malaya in Malaysia.

Country: Malaysia

University: The Universiti Malaya

Program: PhD Degree

Financial Coverage: Funded

Deadline: Each Year (check under the deadline heading later in the article)

About The University Malaya (The University of Malaya)

It is one of the oldest universities in Malaysia. The Universiti Malaya (The University of Malaya) is located in Kuala Lumpur. The university is called one of the most famous public universities in Malaysia. As far as the Universiti Malaya ranking is concerned, it is ranked at 70th position on the QS World University Rankings of 2023.

Eligibility Criteria 

The opportunity is open to both citizens and non-citizens.

Students intending to pursue full-time Ph.D. study by research at the Universiti Malaya.

The candidates should possess a Bachelor’s degree with a CGPA of > 3.5 or equivalent, and They should have a Master’s degree by research or a Master’s degree in mixed mode (coursework and dissertation) with distinction and a CGPA of a minimum of 3.70/4.00 (or its equivalent).

There are English proficiency requirements to be met such as IELTS 6.5 band or TOEFL 73 – 93 or CEFR B2 or any other type of requirements accepted for the enrollment of PhD.

The validity of the English test has to be met meaning that the validity should be within two years from the examination date.

In the year of application, the maximum age of the candidates should be 35 (it should not exceed 35 years).

The candidate has to be registered as a full-time student during the duration of their study at the Universiti Malaya.

The recipients of full scholarships should not be sponsored by any other awarding body or organization.

Financial Coverage

There are two scholarship opportunities available – full scholarship and partial scholarship. Let’s check out the details of the same:

Full Scholarship: Successful candidates will receive up to RM 3,000 stipend per month and tuition fees. Duration will be 6 semesters or 36 months or until completion of the PhD program (whichever is shortest).

Partial Scholarship: Successful candidates will receive tuition fee coverage only. Duration will be 6 semesters or until the completion of the PhD program (whichever is shortest).

Deadline for Applications

The application deadlines are each year till the 1st of April and the 1st of October. If you are interested, you need to apply before these deadlines. For this year, the applications should now be submitted by 1st October 2023.

How to Apply for The Universiti Malaya Excellence PhD Scholarship

If you like to apply for this opportunity, you need to check the details for the application process mentioned under the heading of ‘Application Procedure’ on the official call for scholarships (you may also learn all details about this PhD scholarship on this official webpage). Follow the instructions very carefully and submit the applications accordingly.


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